
Inspiration & Learning

Amber Meyer

In my job, I have the wonderful constant reminder that learning is not just for kids and that a Museum is a perfect venue to learn so many different things! Everyone has the opportunity to learn something new, whether it be in a new place or a place you have visited many times before.

Staff Picks: The Girl From Blind River


Jennifer recently enjoyed The Girl from Blind River by Gale Massey, a book she describes as gritty, poetic and suspenseful. Read her review below. 

Attention all parents and caregivers in Prince Edward - Lennox and Addington Counties


Complete the survey to share your thoughts on ways to strengthen the child care and early years system in our communities. All parents and caregivers in Prince Edward - Lennox and Addington are welcome to participate.

Complete the survey for a chance to win a VISA gift card!

***Complete the survey here***


For more information contact:

New Exhibit "Revisiting Special Moments: A Retrospective" by Shirley Miller on Display

Rob Plumley

Don't miss Shirley Miller's exhibit on display beginning February 4th at the L&A County Museum & Archives in Napanee. 

Exhibits That Connect

Joanne Himmelman

Museums strive to emotionally connect with their visitors, become a cultural hub, and help to define community values, but within this, be a source of education and entertainment, a new word was dubbed from this thought “edu-tainment”.

How to beat a reading rut


I’m currently in the midst of the worst reading rut in my adult life. We’re already halfway through January and I have yet to finish a book. There is nothing out there that has truly sparked my interest and this time of year (busy! dreary! tiring!) just doesn’t seem to encourage the maintenance of good habits. After browsing through a few bookish sites on the internet, it is clear that I’m not alone in this.

Staff Picks: My Sister, the Serial Killer


Gillian recently enjoyed My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite, a satirical thriller set in Nigeria. Here is her review:

Check out these memoirs!


I’ve written about memoirs several times before in this column simply because I love them. The narrative style of the memoir gives you the absorbing reading experience of fiction with the bonus of learning about an interesting time in a real person’s life. The following books are the last five memoirs I have read – not all of them were my favorites, but they each provide the unique slice of life one looks for in a memoir.

Collection Spotlight: Snow!

Lisa Lawlis

One of my favourite things about working as an Archivist is connecting records to create a story about the past. I am currently working on the arrangement and description of a recent donation of 19th Century records and came across some interesting records that detail snow shoveling services in the Town of Napanee in the 1870’s!

Vacant Tax Rebate and Reduction Programs


The County of Lennox & Addington is considering making changes to its Vacant Tax Rebate and Reduction Programs for Commercial & Industrial properties. These programs have been in place since the current property assessment system was implemented in 1998. The Province has now provided an opportunity to allow municipalities to tailor these programs based upon local needs.