
Can you hear the Bon Echo?

Mike Hector

For our next sumer time excursion in Lennox & Addington, my partner Heidi and I set our sights to the northern portion of the county for a highly anticipated escape to The Addington Highlands. There, we would spend three days exploring the splendid scenery of Bon Echo Provincial Park. From hiking, kayaking and scenic boat tours to delicious local food and beyond - get ready for our biggest Lennox & Addington adventure yet!

Happy Canada Day!

Coleen McFarlane

Canada, the nation, was created on July 1, 1867 with the British North America Act or Constitution Act of 1867. This year we are celebrating our 153rd anniversary with a new approach – together, but apart. Even though we cannot have our larger scale celebrations with Canadian music and entertainers, we can enjoy a lovely Canadian summer day with a great Canadian read.

A Canadian Story Hour:

Readers' Advisory On The Go


While select library branches are now open for limited curbside service, we have a lot of patrons who are missing the days when they could enter the library to browse the shelves. If you are a reader who chooses books to read by browsing, read on for some alternative options for finding your next great read.

Face Coverings are Now Mandatory in Commercial Establishments


Dr. Kieran Moore, Medical Officer of Health at KFL&A Public Health issued an Order requiring all individuals to wear a face covering (e.g., homemade or purchased mask, scarf or bandana) when entering and accessing services at any commercial establishments in the KFL&A area. This Order is effective on Saturday, June 27 at 12:01 a.m.

Staff Pick: We Are Not From Here


Jennifer recently enjoyed We Are Not From Here by Jenny Torres Sanchez, a YA novel about a teen trio driven by desperation to cross the Mexican-U.S. border. Here is here review:

Highlights of County Council's June 24th Virtual Meeting


County Council Highlights:

Plan for Curbside Service


On March 13, 2020, all local library branches were closed due to COVID-19. On Thursday, May 14, Premier Ford announced Phase 1 of Ontario’s reopening plan, which listed services and industries that can resume some form of service as of May 19. Libraries were included in this list for curbside pickup.

Staff of the County of Lennox & Addington Libraries have developed a plan to launch limited curbside service beginning on June 1st. 

Fabulous Fathers and Dynamic Dads

Coleen McFarlane

On Sunday, we celebrate Father’s Day: a day to appreciate, relax with, and celebrate our Dads. Whether it’s in person or a video chat, it’s a day to just let him know you care. Why not share a great story or two?  We have lots of dad-themed materials:

Reading together with Dad:

Staff Pick: Dead Mom Walking


Julie Wendland, Readers' Services Coordinator for the Library, recently enjoyed Dead Mom Walking by Rachel Matlow, a funny yet tear-jerking memoir. Here is her review:

Books to Netflix


From Orange is the New Black to The Haunting of Hill House, many of Netflix's greatest hits have been adapted from books. It is a hobby of many a bookworm to read the book and then watch the movie (or television show) adaptation to see what the producers got right or wrong and inevitably comment "the book was better than the movie." So we should all rejoice in the fact that there is a seemingly endless succession of 'book to Netflix' offerings to stream and dissect.