
My Favourite Fishing Spots in Lennox & Addington County

Ashley Rae

Lennox & Addington County has a very special place in my heart. I grew up in this region and am so grateful to be able to showcase just a small sample of the fishing opportunities found here. Here's a short list of 3 of my favourite fishing spots here in L&A (that I've experienced so far).


Stage 3 Openings begin on July 17th

Rob Plumley

On July 13th Ontario announced the next step in their reopening framework. Lennox and Addington County will move into Stage 3 as of Friday, July 17th. As a result, nearly all of our businesses and public spaces will be able to reopen with proper public health and workplace safety measures in place.

The L&A County Dark Sky Viewing Area - The Best of Ontario’s Dark Side

Joe Gilker

Amateur astronomers have it tough these days. Urban sprawl is expanding, and with it, the light pollution is destroying our views of the night sky. Seeing anything but the moon, planets and brightest stars in close proximity to these dense urban centres is difficult to impossible. This is  true anywhere, but extremely prevalent in Southern to Southeastern Ontario along the Highway 401 corridor where I live. This region has the highest population density in Canada, and as a side effect, some of the worst and farthest reaching light pollution in the country.

Survey: Improving Child Care for Families in Ontario



The Ministry of Education is looking for your feedback on how to improve child care in Ontario. 

Dog Days of Summer

Coleen McFarlane

The phrase "dog days of summer" is actually a reference to the fact that, during this time, the Sun occupies the same region of the sky as Sirius, the brightest star visible from any part of Earth and part of the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog. This is why Sirius is sometimes called the Dog Star. In the summer, Sirius rises and sets with the Sun.

Staff Picks: One Good Reason


Julie, our Readers' Services Coordinator, recently enjoyed One Good Reason: a Memoir of Addiction and Recovery, Music and Love, a devastating yet hopeful memoir by Great Big Sea founder Sean McCann. Here is her review: 

Quinte Conservation Issues A Level 1 Low Water Conditions Statement - July 9, 2020


A Level 1 Low Water Condition has been issued for the Quinte Conservation Watershed including the regions of the Moira, Napanee, and Salmon Rivers as well as all of Prince Edward County.

Curbside Service Update


As you know, all branches of Lennox & Addington Libraries remain closed to the public until further notice due to provincial orders relating to COVID-19. In June, we launched curbside pickup at select branches and have been slowly expanding services. Here's the plan (so far) for July...


Schedule as of July 6th:

Amherstview: Tuesday (10am-2pm) & Thursday (4-8pm)

Napanee: Monday (10am-2pm) & Wednesday (4-8pm)

Tamworth: Saturday (10am-2pm)

Staff Picks: If It Bleeds


Coleen recently enjoyed Stephen King's latest release, a short story compilation that was filled with "remarkable characters and unusual plotlines". Here is her review:

Christmas in July

Coleen McFarlane

“Christmas in July,” festivities can offer a fun diversion or a way to plan ahead for the approaching holidays, only 5 months away. Try your hand at a Christmas craft, make some Christmas treats - summer style (strawberries and whipped cream!), or relax with a cheery Christmas tale. Look to Australia or anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere who celebrate this holiday in the sunshine.

Christmas with the kids: