
Virtual Programming Survey


In the wake of COVID-19, this summer's program lineup will certainly look a bit different than in previous years. 

We invite you to complete a survey that will inform our virtual programming strategy going forward. What would you like to see the library provide in terms of virtual programs? Your ideas and feedback are welcome!

Access the survey here.

“Lilliputian” Weddings

Coleen McFarlane

The 2020 wedding season will now have a new look – if you choose to go ahead with your ceremony it will be a “Lilliputian” affair to be within the new smaller groups required under our emergency measures. Although you have the option of delaying, an intimate affair may be a workable solution.  Whether you are revamping your wedding or taking another year to reconsider your options, we have a variety of resources to help you decide!

Season Up The BBQ

Coleen McFarlane

Grilling, barbeque, smoking or an old fashioned cookout – the season has finally arrived and with it, an excuse to be outside and support your local farmers at the same time.  Whichever ingredients or method you use, we have the resources to help you with basic instruction, seasoning, marinating or attempting a new technique:

Journaling for Mental Health

Coleen McFarlane

During this stressful time, a great habit to begin is journaling – it can either set the tone for your day ahead or settle a restless mind at night.  Caring for our mental health is as important as our physical health, during this time when we need to self-isolate, and limit our contact with others. Setting a future goal, stating your feelings or simply reflecting on your day, will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you identify stressors.

Staff Picks: Find your Path


Coleen recently enjoyed Find Your Path: Honor Your Body, Fuel Your Soul, and Get Strong with the FIT52 Life by Carrie Underwood, a new lifestyle book that is available in a variety of formats at the library. Here is her review:

Canadian Armed Forces Day

Coleen McFarlane

“Today, on Canadian Armed Forces Day, we pay tribute to our brave women and men in uniform for their service to Canada, and thank them for the dedication, skill, and humanity they demonstrate when keeping Canadians safe here at home, and around the world. “I am continually inspired by the commitment and selflessness of the members of our Canadian Armed Forces. “On behalf of all Canadians, thank you to all current and former Canadian Armed Forces members and their families for your contributions and your sacrifice.

Confessions of a Curator: The Sounds of Silence

Joanne Himmelman

We are over two months into our physical distancing – what a strange time this has been.  In January, we read about the virus, we heard about the impact, but perhaps it didn’t really register within you. The virus was so far away, how could it possibly strike me?  How could it possibly hurt me or those around me, it is so far away?

Thank you, Paramedics!

Coleen McFarlane

Paramedic Services Week is May 24 - 30th this year and we would like to send out a big thank you to all of you on the front lines. You are often the first people we see during an emergency and your calm professionalism in times of stress is phenomenal.

To help our front line workers we need to do our part when we call for help:

When calling 911:

Entertaining a Short Story

Coleen McFarlane

If you are in a reading slump, overwhelmed with chaotic news stories, but wanting a quick escape from it all, try selecting a short story for your next read. It helps me get back into my reading grove by giving me a feeling of accomplishment -- when you finish the first story in the anthology, you want to move to the next. Author of both novels and short stories, Lorrie Moore has said “A short story is a love affair, a novel is a marriage.

Webinar - Safely Opening Your Business with KFL&A Public Health


On Tuesday, May 26th Lennox & Addington County hosted a webinar in partnership with KFL&A Public Health. The topic was "How to Safely Re-open your Business". Miranda Iezzi, Cindy Lee, and Gord Mitchell from KFL&A Public Health and staff answered questions about guidelines, best practices and requirements for businesses during this time.