
KFL&A Public Health Region Moves to Yellow-Protect Level


The Government of Ontario has placed KFL&A Public Health in the Yellow-Protect level of the provincial COVID-19 Response Framework. Strengthened public health measures will come into effect in our service areas to help control the spread of COVID19 on Monday, March 22, 2021 at 12:01 a.m. Some of these new measures include limited hours of operations for certain settings, limits on the hours for sale at food and drink establishments, reduced recreational program sizes, and collection of patron contact information.

Better Cellular Services Coming to Eastern Ontario Residents and Businesses


(March 19, 2021 – EASTERN ON) – Strong and reliable cellular services are critical to help rural communities take part in the economy, create jobs and improve public safety. Together, Canada, Ontario and municipal governments across Eastern Ontario are supporting the Eastern Ontario Regional Network’s Cell Gap Project that will improve both the reach and quality of cellular services throughout the region.

Vaccine Booking Assistance


The County of L&A Libraries are ready to help get you booked in for your COVID-19 vaccine online! 

Whether you need help accessing the online system, forms printed out, or information on who to contact, we're here for you.   

Call any of our branches during open hours to get started:

Staff Pick: Band of Sisters


Karen S recently enjoyed Band of Sisters by Lauren Willig, a brand new novel of historical fiction set against the British home front circa March 1918. Here is her review:

In the final year of World War I, a group of Smith College alumni known as the Smith College Relief Unit went to France to give aid to the remaining residents of destroyed French villages near the front line. Miraculously, every member of the unit made it home safe, both in life and in Lauren Willig’s latest historical novel.

Staff Picks: A New Day


Coleen recently enjoyed A New Day by Brad Meltzer and Dan Santat, a funny children's book about the days of the week. Here is her review:

Colourful cartoon-like appeal abounds in the picture book A New Day, which features anthropomorphic days of the week having their own audition-style competition. Sunday feels underappreciated and suddenly quits, leaving the other days of the week to take on the task of trying to replace her.

If you enjoyed The Crown...


The mark of a good novel, in my opinion, is characters that are believably rendered. When it comes to historical fiction, where the stories are often populated by real people, it requires tremendous skill and attention to detail to take the research and surface-level accounts of the historical figure and turn them into a seamless and well-rounded character portrayal. Like Netflix's The Crown, the following books all dip into the dramas of the British royal family in the 20th Century.

Our Exhibits... You've Gotta Come See Them!

Joanne Himmelman

We have returned to our building and are steadily preparing for the Spring and Summer activities. YES!! Spring… it’s on the way, even in today’s sub-zero weather, I can feel the change in the air and I can smell the shift from Winter to Spring… I know I sound crazy, but I have a good sense for these things. 

With that being said, there has been some renewal happening at the museum too and new exhibits are either here already or are coming this Spring/Summer for you to enjoy!  


International Women's Day

Jennifer Robinson

On March 8th, Canada recognizes International Women’s Day, celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and girls, and raising awareness of the work left to be done. 

Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN) Submits Proposal for Ultra-Fast Gig Internet Project


(March 1, 2021) – The Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN) has made a formal submission to the federal and provincial governments seeking support to deliver ultra-fast Gig internet to homes and businesses across the region. The submission has been sent to federal Minister Maryam Monsef, who has responsibility for rural economic development, and Ontario’s Minister of Infrastructure Laurie Scott, who is tasked with rural broadband matters for the province.

Staff Picks: The Nature of Fragile Things


Marg recently enjoyed The Nature of Fragile Things by Susan Meissner, a "electrifying, atmospheric" historical novel set in early 20th Century San Francisco. Here is her review:

I have been a fan of Susan Meissner’s since I read The Fall of Marigolds several years ago and I have been anticipating reading her latest offering The Nature of Fragile Things for some time now, needless to say I was not disappointed.