
Easter & Passover

Coleen McFarlane

Atypical Easter and Passover celebrations will be the norm for most families this year with our self-isolation preventing our normal family gatherings. Whether we are seeking a moment to reflect or needing a laugh with our children, our online resources have many offerings.


Staff Picks: American Sherlock


Andree Duval, Relief Librarian, recently enjoyed American Sherlock, a fascinating non-fiction book about one of America's earliest forensic scientists. Here is her review:

Spring Cleaning

Coleen McFarlane

Although the first day of Spring  was “officially” March 19th this year, it is never too late to start your spring cleaning. Self-isolation and working from home, can make that nest of dust bunnies in the corner more annoying than ever. Sometimes we need some motivation (myself included) to start this project – my windows are calling!

Watch Business Support Webinar from April 3rd at 1pm

Rob Plumley

Lennox and Addington Economic Development hosted a Business Support Webinar on Friday, April 3 at 1pm.  

We provided an overview of the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit and the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy

Watch Webinar Recording

Find out more about the:

Staff Picks: Dance of Thieves


Kristin recently enjoyed Dance of Thieves, the first book in a new YA series and a great read for those looking for a fantasy/adventure novel with just the right amount of romance! Here is her review:

Homeschooling Resources for Parents

Coleen McFarlane

Our Minister of Education announced March 31st public schools across Ontario will be out until at least May 4th in an effort to protect our children. Concerned parents are speaking out, worried about the help they need teaching their children from home.

Learn at Home Resources


While the "new normal" has certainly been destabilizing, families who are home schooling can equip themselves with a wide variety of educational activities (both online and offline) to support learning. Below is a roundup of links that may give you some ideas. 


April's Online Book Club

Coleen McFarlane

Need a chat with fellow bibliophiles?  Did you miss your book club chat this month? Why not join us on our County of L&A Libraries Online Book Club on Goodreads– we have a monthly theme, a discussion board, and please, invite your friends to join.

For April the theme is “Celebrity Memoirs” – and we have a variety of options to choose from on Overdrive and Hoopla. 

Mango Languages: a hidden gem!


Mango languages is a language learning app that you have access to with your library membership. For no charge you have access to 70 languages, including ESL. It will teach you conversational language along with grammar explanations and cultural notes.

Gear Up for Gardening

Coleen McFarlane

With a little over seven weeks until the “traditional” May long weekend planting, it is time to think about your garden. Do you have the outline of your garden planned? Have you started your seedlings? Are you deciding between traditional versus vertical gardens? Or are you cleaning out your containers for your patio and need inspiration?