Our Ordinary, Extraordinary Lives is an exhibit at the Museum of Lennox & Addington that speaks to this message through vibrant photography, commentary, and art. Our families today may look different from families 150 years ago, but this fact transcends time - Our Ordinary, is the Extraordinary. 


Lowry/Kelsey Family

Deb and Steve Lowry are two wonderful and loving grandparents. Every day during the school year, they greet their two grandkids at 7am when their parents drop them off. They then have breakfast and spend quality time with them before sending them off on the school bus, waving as it pulls out of the street. They then head out for a walk to the corner, where they wave to the bus once more, as it pulls out of their neighbouring street. On the winter morning I joined them, they were painting snow tulips. What a wonderful idea! You get some water and mix it with food dye, put it in spray bottles, and spray it directly over the snowbanks in the shape of flowers. This is not only a really fun activity, but it also makes the path much more colourful and friendly for all the passers by! After the snow tulips, they used the food dye to make snow volcanoes, using baking soda and vinegar. And shortly thereafter, the school bus pulled up. Deb and Steve helped the kids don their backpacks, and their masks, and waved them off. These memories will last the kids a lifetime: knowing that Nina and Poppa were always there to make their school mornings special and fun.

-- Photographer Viara Mileva


Our Ordinary, Extraordinary Lives is on display at the Museum of Lennox & Addington until January 7, 2022. 

Exhibit Homepage
