
What I've Been Reading


Since I spend a lot of time reading, I often come across books that I would like to talk about in this column, but for whatever reason the opportunity just doesn't present itself. With that being said, the following are ten mini reviews for ten completely random books. There are some hits, and some misses, and hopefully one or two will pique your interest.

Black History Month

Jennifer Robinson

This month we are celebrating the many achievements and contributions made by Black Canadians who have helped shape Canada into the culturally diverse and compassionate place it is today. Often overlooked is the fact the Black Canadians were enslaved here too. Black History Month is an opportunity for the majority of Canadians to learn about the experiences of Black Canadians in our society and the vital role this community has played throughout our shared history.  


Try a flashback!

Coleen McFarlane

Admittedly missing my dose of apocalyptic zombie-based television shows, I have delved into books of the same genre. I tried a ‘flashback’ novel from 2010 called Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry, a young adult novel in a four-book series.

EOWC Participates in Successful ROMA 2021 Conference


Eastern Ontario, January 27, 2021 – Members of the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) joined rural municipal colleagues from across Ontario at the first-ever virtual Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference, which took place online from January 24 to 26, 2021.

At the virtual conference, EOWC members met with various provincial Ministers as well as the NDP Caucus to discuss priority issues for the region, including:

Read in the Bathtub Day

Julie Wendland

Rub a dub, dub, James Bond in a tub. February 9th is Read in the Tub Day and what better way to celebrate it than by looking into some books relating to a tub theme!

Make Thrillers Fresh Again


During the latter half of 2020, there was a stretch of time where I just wasn't interested in reading psychological thrillers. Ever since Gone Girl was released almost ten years ago, they have been churned out non-stop and I was beginning to find that only in rare cases did they still have the ability to surprise me. I know that I'm not alone in this.

Staff Pick: The Other Windsor Girl


Kristin recently enjoyed The Other Windsor Girl by Georgie Blalock, a juicy novel of historical fiction that is evocative of The Crown. Here is her review:

What’s a CD? 

Kim Kerr

Here we are again, at home, wondering how we all ended up in the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day. If you missed JoAnne’s blog about her experience working from home, make sure to check it out. Below is a picture of my workstation at home. Between JoAnne and I, our home offices are very different.

Family Literacy Day

Kate Wilson

The Covid-19 Pandemic had squashed a lot of plans this year, especially when it comes to travel.  Good thing we still have books to take us to all the places we want to go!  This year’s Family Literacy Day theme is all about traveling the world together through books!  Check out these great picks below to start your family adventure around the world from the safety of your own home!


Staff Pick: Together, Apart


Chantell McMahon recently enjoyed Together, Apart written by several popular YA authors, including Erin A. Craig, Auriane Desombre, Erin Hahn, and Bill Konigsberg. Here is her review: