Jennifer recently enjoyed The Girl from Blind River by Gale Massey, a book she describes as gritty, poetic and suspenseful. Read her review below. 

The Girl from Blind River offers a suspenseful read with compelling characters. This debut crime fiction by Gale Massey depicts a strong young woman’s attempt to navigate a hardscrabble life and escape her uncle’s small town criminal enterprise. Stigmatized by her mother’s stint in jail, Jamie and her brother grow up in the grip of her abusive uncle Loyal. Trapped by circumstance, they are both pawns in her uncle’s gambling racket. Jamie gets sucked into a treacherous dilemma resulting from a game gone bad that leaves a man dead. Unable to trust anyone, Jamie uses her savant Poker wiles and strong survival instinct to change the odds in her favour. As an aside, the descriptive play-by-play poker games absorb even readers unfamiliar with the game. By times gritty and poetic, Jamie’s dangerous plot to escape a rotten life represents the ultimate gamble.

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